Breathe: The one word that everyone hears from their parents and hates with a burning passion

Now, we have all heard it before. you feel upset, you haven’t slept in two days and your mother has said something mildly incriminating and now you’ve flown of the handle bars and landed your self in trouble. ( Congrats! ) It may be because of school or lots of many other things, but we want to help you with that and that’s why we created this website, to tell people like you. Ways to cope, or to take that ten down to a one so let’s dive right in. ( Oh, and for all the people who need what to do right now skip a few paragraphs and you will see bullet points. )

Now, in all seriousness you may feel as if you are drowning, and to be fair that’s how I feel most of the time.

You’re stuck in a bubble, but somehow water is filling up your lungs and you can’t summon the energy to scream. It’s clawing at your throat and pounding at your chest. Yet your expressions look as if nothing were happening, and all the wile the people around you simply don’t notice that you are drowning on land. ( Wow that was deep!)

But believe me, we have all been there. Were we can pretend everything is fine, when all we want to do is procrastinate or sob on the ground. Because our essay is due to tomorrow and we haven’t even started, we don’t know how to start. We don’t know what to do. Our thoughts are pulling us in all different directions and all we want to do is die ( figuratively ).

Now, to tackle this you need to sit down. someplace comfortable and safe feeling ( probably away from people). You might need to close you eyes. Now, when you’re situated and comfy focus on your lungs. Feel your self breath, suck in air and force it out. You will start to notice a rhythm.

Don’t think about anything else, if you do you breath will hitch and you will lose your calm. To do this exercise you need to take a deep inhale for four seconds. ( I like to count in Mississippi’s ) and hold for seven. Focus on your lungs, nothing else, focus on your breathing and then release and breath out for eight seconds. ( You can if you want to, time your breathing with the animation above. )

Do this at least four times to calm down completely. The first few times you may need to be by your self to maintain complete control. But when you get the hang of it you can do it just about anywhere.

You can do this exercise to maintain composure when your mom you have just pissed off is yelling at you, or when you’re in class and just can’t handle the amount of pressure your teacher is dishing out like it’s going out of style.

This may seem extremely basic but it will have a dramatic effect on you, if you choose to employ it. So remember relax, breath, and sit down. You’ve got this.

Deep Breathing Method

  • Sit down
  • Focus on lungs and breathing
  • Four second breath in
  • Hold for seven seconds
  • Breath out for eight
  • Try to do this four times to fully relax
  • ( There you go. That’s it. You’ve got this.)

We believe in you!