Getting Organized Helps to Reduce Your Stress

Organize Your Space

A cluttered space is a cluttered mind, as they say. And honestly, it’s true! It can be much harder to concentrate and sleep in a messy room. Even if you don’t have enough time and energy to devote an entire day to cleaning, just taking fifteen minutes to clear off a surface can make a huge difference! Other habits like making your bed, cleaning up your mess throughout the day, and making sure everything is put away before you go to sleep can help keep your room (and your mind) clear and clutter-free.

Organize Your Routine

It can be hard to feel relaxed when you feel like you are constantly rushing from one activity to another. Simple things like making a to do list for your day and keeping all your activities in your calendar can really help your day feel less daunting. Sometimes though, even if you know what you have to do your routine can still feel overwhelming. Having consistent meal and betimes, learning how to balance work and Play and getting enough sleep can help minimize your stress. Want to get lots of work done but not spend all day working on one thing? First, set a timer for 25 minutes. When the timer goes off, get up and stop working. Set a five minute timer, and relish not having to focus. Go get a snack, or do some jumping jacks, teach your pet to water ski, whatever. Once the five minutes are up, do another 25 minute focused work session.

Organize Your Mind

There are times when your brain just feels cluttered. And when that happens, it can be helpful to have some ideas on how to combat your stress. The first thing you need to do is figure out what’s making you stressed. Writing in a journal or talking to a close friend or family member can help you realize what you are stressed about. Some other effective stress defying activities are: taking a bath, spending time with Pets, playing an instrument, taking a walk, making tea, taking a nap, and listening to Music. Only got a couple minutes? Doing a quick meditation or just taking a moment to focus on your Breath can make you feel less stressed. Another word of advice: don’t get on a screen unless absolutely necessary!!